Little seeds are sound-bite posts where I share a quick thought, video, article, or some other bit of interesting information.
For the month of December, I will be sharing a couple of my favorite websites (where you could pick up some Christmas/Holiday gifts 😉 ). This week I’m featuring thriftbooks. I am a huge bookworm and love to read, but in the past few years I started to struggle with the idea of buying and accumulating brand new books that I might only read once. When I learned about thriftbooks (a second-hand online bookstore) it seemed like a wonderful solution. I read a lot of books electronically now, but sometimes I just really want a real physical book. Knowing that thriftbooks exists makes me happy to buy new-to-me books knowing that these books are being reused instead of thrown out. Not only is their business model environmentally friendly, but they also give back by donating books internationally, they partner with libraries to help raise funds, and recycle any books that can’t be sold. To learn a little more about the company, you can check out a video here, or their website here. If you would like to save 15% on your first purchase, click here for my tell-a-friend referral link.
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