Little seeds are sound-bite posts where I share a quick thought, video, article, or some other bit of interesting information.
101 small ways you can improve your city by Curbed – I came across this article a while ago and loved all of the tips to make your city better! Some of my favorites were:
- #5 Start Documenting Your Street – How fun is this idea?! I want to do this! I’ll have to remember for the spring when it’s “outside” weather again. I feel like this would be a really fun project and a cool way to get to know my neighbors/neighborhood.
- #7 Plant a Tree – This is always one of my favorite ideas. I’d really love to plant some flowering trees to bring a few pops of color to the neighborhood as well.
- #13 Begin a guerrilla garden uprising – I want to find some abandoned lot and throw a bunch of seed bombs in it (like these from Etsy) and then visit it again later to see it full of flowers. Someone please do this and tell me how it turns out! I’ll have to stock up on some seed bombs for the next time I’m visiting a city center.
- #20 Make Faces – This just looks fun. I may start doing this in the spring along with documenting my street/neighborhood
- #25 Network Your Alleys – I want to do this! I want to go to these 3rd spaces to play fooseball or hang out in a cafe. It looks so cool.
- #44 Organize a Car Free Day – I would love it if there were more options for public transportation by me so organizing a car-free day could bring awareness to that. Plus it would help reduce emissions, even if only for a day.
- #95 Turn an Old Bridge Into Something Beautiful – There’s a secret garden quality to this one, like turning an old bridge into something else would be a magical and unexpected surprise for anyone that happened to come across it.
- #101 Vote – YES! This is something WAY more people need to do, as in about half our population. Go vote and make yourself heard!
What were your favorites? Have you done any of these in the past or seen any of them in your neighborhood or city? We have several small libraries around my neighborhood. I have walked by hundreds of times, but never actually “used” one.  Perhaps I’ll check it out this spring/summer/fall. 🙂
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