The 2017 EcoChallenge is a two week challenge/event that runs from Wednesday, October 11 to Wednesday, October 25. If you participate, you select different actions that you commit to doing during those two weeks that address different eco-friendly lifestyle changes. The challenges areas include waste, food, health, transportation, energy, community, nature, water, simplicity, and if you don’t find what you’re looking for there’s also a “create your own” option. As I mentioned, within each challenge area there’s an array of actions you can take to address that challenge – for example, if you choose to address your waste, one action you can sign up to do is to compost during those two weeks rather than throw things in the trash. (FYI – if you choose to do this, you should check out my composting posts here and here ? ).
After reading about the challenge, and looking at the different actions I could take, I immediately signed up. This challenge is exactly what I talk about on the blog – making small changes that add up to big changes – so of course I had to support it! Plus, there were some actions that I’ve been meaning to take for a while ::ahem::bike to work::ahem:: but just haven’t for some reason or another, so I’m using this as my opportunity to hold my own feet to the fire. And now for the part you’ve all been waiting for – I want you to join me! It is a SUPER easy way to start taking small actions that lead to a more sustainable lifestyle. There’s no financial commitment and no pressure; you just sign up to do whatever actions speak to you, and then make those small lifestyle tweaks for two weeks in October to see how it goes. Plus, it is always way more fun doing things like this in a group so you have the team to pump you up and support you along the way.

To sign up for my team, you can click here and register. The team name is Team Everyday Earth Chick (super original, I know), so make sure you fill that out when asked. Once you have signed up, you can peruse the challenges and sign up for whatever actions you want to commit to. I’ve signed up for a handful right now, but may add/swap more as the challenge gets closer. If you already do some of them, make sure you mark “I already do this” as well so you can feel good about all the changes you have already made!
Once the challenge starts, you sign back in to the website, and mark your progress each day on the actions you committed to. Your actions can be things you do every day, or things that you do once. Each action has points assigned to it based on what you’ve committed to, so by marking that you’ve done things each day, you get points for your progress. For one last incentive to join my team I am going to give out prizes to the top 3 team members at the end of the two weeks!
Prize 1 – 4 pack of CREE LED 60W Replacement Dimmable Light bulbs
Prize 2 – Love Real Food – One of my favorite cook books by fellow blogger Kate, from Cookie + Kate
Prize 3 – 20oz Contigo AUTOSEAL stainless steal insulated travel mug
These are some of my favorite things (which you can also grab here if you’d like anything ahead of time to help you with your actions!) and I use them pretty much every day in some way or another.
I would love for you all to join, and spread the word to others! It would be awesome to have a huge team with lots of people working toward sustainable lifestyles for those two weeks in October (and hopefully beyond!). Even if everyone does only one action, it all adds up!! Drop a note if you sign up and let me know what action(s) you’re most excited about! Or what prize you most want to win!
(Again you can sign up here and it’s Team Everyday Earth Chick) ? ?
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