Little seeds are sound-bite posts where I share a quick thought, video, article, or some other bit of interesting information.

This week, I am sharing this video by Majora Carter about her project Greening the Ghetto.

This is SUCH a great video. It touches not only on the idea that anyone can make a difference, but the concept of social justice which is one of the three blocks of sustainability.

If you’d like to watch this from the official TED website, you can get to it here.

Little seeds are sound-bite posts where I share a quick thought, video, article, or some other bit of interesting information.

This week, I am sharing a video of Ray Anderson discussing how his company, Interface (well known for their sub-brand FLOR), began working toward sustainability

I love this video and how real Ray Anderson is when he discusses his thoughts on sustainability, and the transformation of those thoughts.

Little seeds are sound-bite posts where I share a quick thought, video, article, or some other bit of interesting information.

This week, I am sharing The Story of Stuff, a great video that explains where all our stuff comes from, and why we need to change our habits.

Step into Sustainability

Everyone knows about climate change and global warming – how our actions on this planet are changing the atmosphere. These changes have effects such as […]

How I Got Here

I started this “greener” journey years ago when I was still in elementary school after we had an assembly on reducing, reusing, and recycling. Admittedly, […]